Saturday, May 18, 2013

Road to reading buy and build!

Zeru's Road to reading is now for sale! Get the kids in on the action! Decorate and color yourself and add your own shortcuts, bridges, buildings, and landscapes! (Directions, stencils and ideas included)

Comes with directions, one set of cards with removable road signs and the fabric road!

The fun thing about this particular car road (besides that the kids get to decorate it themselves) is that it is SOFT and DURABLE made from a white denim on the front.

It is difficult to ruin them, they can be washed, rolled, crinkled into a ball, shoved under the bed... they can be easily stored small and won't bend, break, crack, tear like paper, board, or other materials.

As always we will have FREE printable downloads of the cards and signs or you can purchase finished laminated sets. Road to reading. On our way to fun!
Zeru has decorated his with some "bridge shortcuts" houses, trees, and other fun things. It is one of his favorite activities to do during the busy day- and what makes me happy is he is actually learning!
The concept is very simple. This "game board" has slots for 12 road signs (included- additional sets can be downloaded and printed for free, or purchased finished) with corresponding flash cards.
Flip the top card over. Have your child identify the word (by picture or reading) then search for the matching road sign. The fun is finding a route to get to the location!
This forces the recognition of letters and combined letters in association with a word. It is a very useful tool for beginner readers. Not to mention it is fun!
Beginning math sets coming soon also!
Road fits hot wheels/matchbox size cars- two lanes. Cars not included- but I am sure any house interested in this product has cars lying around!