Friday, April 5, 2013

Life application learning

One afternoon while getting lost in the largest market in Africa, Zeru and I found a little café to retreat to for some tea.
We received our receipt and I noticed the arch it made on the table, like a little bridge or tunnel. My mind quickly jumped back many years to 8th grade science class and a lesson on air pressure.

When you place a piece of paper under your bottom lip and blow across the top of the paper, the paper does not go down as many people would first think- but rather goes up because the air pressure is moved by your breath, but the air pressure below the paper says the same- pushing the paper up.


Pretty simple lesson, but I obviously never forgot it.


As we sat tired and quiet I picked up the receipt and excitedly got him interested in my cool trick.


I explained with my hands the invisible air pressure pushing equally on both dies of the receipt- and explained to the 4 ½ year old mind that I was going to blow those invisible pressures away! Just watch! They cannot press on the paper any more! So guess what happens when you blow the ones on the top away? The ones on the bottom still push! And look- the top ones cannot push back!


He actually got it pretty quickly and was eager to try himself. Many months later he will still pick up a rolled receipt and try this “trick” so the lesson must have stuck.


It is my hope in the near future to incorporate this lesson into some lessons on weather.


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