Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Amharic "hu lu" ሁ ሉ

Here we are practicing the second set of letters in the fidel.

I put the first tense for Zeru to see, and he had to transform it into the second set!

"Huh" ሀ  got turned into "Hoo" ሁ

"Leh" ለ  into "Lu" ሉ

and so forth.

For the one set I cut out a red "arm" because as we all know- "Who has an arm?" ሁ

I tried to stick with the simpler more traditional arms and did not do "Roo" ሩ  as you notice!

The idea is to recognize the base letter, and then be able to transform or recognize the tenses afterwards!

In my opinion this is much more sensible then memorizing an entire row! And in this way- so long as you can pick out the base letter within the tense version (like "I see the "ruh" ረ  in that "ree" ሪ ) then even if one forgets each specific tense they can sound out the word generally.

But also this specific exercise reveals the similarities in each letter set per tense- Most all "oo" (second tense) letters have an arm for example. ሁ ሉ ሱ ቱ ሙ

Check out our old post "fun with the fidel" to see it in action!

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