Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Today I will find...

Today is cold and cloudy. With Amharic review.
Zeru came into work excited and ready to go! Before we barely began he was discussing and examining the weather. It is cold, he observed, and cloudy!

Immediately he ran to his weather station and asked if I were ready to start lessons!

What a change from the previous year!

Here is a sampling from today's lesson plan. keep in mind I aim for about 2 hours of planned lessons/schooling in the day and an hour of reading and reading discussion at night before bed. 9we do that during the weekend as well)

Today's focus was English. Zeru chose the letter "S" for today's adventure. He had to find a car. We drove all trough the store looking for things which started with the letter.

(Learning multiple languages with different alphabets, he is falling a little behind with this. He understands phonics, but when he pronounces words he assumes things like "chair starts with 's'!" or "train!" because of his little accent.)

Zeru wrote on his report sheet for his important job the letter S which we were hunting for. I wrote the words on the back of the paper. When we were finished he counted the words (21) and he put that on the front as well. Also noted is the date.

We practiced the words Today, Find, and Drive.

For our afternoon lesson we usually do about 30 min. of mazes, puzzles, or other thinking activities. Today was Zeru's favorite! he was so excited! We happen to have a Lego dump truck 'kit" with step by step directions. Amazingly enough he followed the instructions (he calls them "constructions") and built the truck perfectly! I stood by for moral support.

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