Friday, August 3, 2012

Counting fish

Adding, subtracting, higher / lower, multiply to the sky. Whatever level your little fisher person is, you can come up with fun games with these better than number flash cards! They are "fish cards"

Just like the prize fishing game they have for little people, we adapted this with education in mind.

I don't know about all the other boys in the world, but mine collects sticks- so I "borrowed" them after I discovered them hidden in the back of a drawer.

I tied some heavy twine (use whatever you have available- pencil and old shoe string? Perfect!) I bought some cheap round magnets from a craft store- but who doesn't have extra magnets lying around (or sticking around the fridge)? Put a hole through the magnet and tie the end of the string through (or use stronger than Elmer the bull glue to glue it) We are so randomly fortunate to have a leather punch- but a nail and hammer will do the trick too!

Check the strength of your magnet, but with mine I found that regular paper clips would work. Cut some fish shapes from heavy stock paper (use a flattened cereal box even) and put the paper clip on them.

Don't forget to write some numbers! We stamped 1-11 on our fish. Depending on how many "players" you will have maybe make your number of fish an even number or in multiples of 3.

We do a "team game" where we each "catch" a fish. It's more fun if you can't see the fish. Then we do "which is bigger, which is smaller?" with the two fish, then subtract the smaller number from the larger.

The other game we play is "fish war" where the fisher-person with the "larger catch" gets to keep their fish, but the smaller catch much "catch and release" at the end of the game the person with the most fish, or the highest added number wins.

(I call this "fish war" because it reminded me of the card game "war" where the higher card wins)

Don't just stop with numbers! Put pictures and words on them and do a "fish matching" game (match the word to the correct picture)

Soon I hope to upload templates to print with pre-numbered fish.

Enjoy fishing!

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