Monday, August 6, 2012

Kid's Nehemiah devotional

The burden from a far off land

I love reading Bible stories to Zeru. And best of all, he loves to hear them! I think he owns at least 3 children's bibles- all different. But none (except the actual "easy to understand" translation regular bible) has the story of the return to Jerusalem: Ezra, Nehemiah, Zechariah, etc.

They jump from Daniel with the lions to Jesus. 

I happen to think the return to Jerusalem is one of the more important and exciting aspects to the amazing adventure God has with his people. So Here is my child-friendly beginning of Nehemiah with life application.

*save picture above and print for best printing results, do not print from web
Read Nehemiah 1:1-2:8
Main points to discuss:

Nehemiah lived in Susa during the exile from Jerusalem. This was far from Jerusalem.

Like Daniel and his friends, he worked for the king.

Nehemiah heard news about Jerusalem that made him sad. The temple and all the walls were destroyed.

The sad information gave him a burden (discuss this word) and he prayed for many days, very upset.

*Have you ever been burdened by something you hear or see? What about from a far off land, or maybe just some place you do not see often?

(poverty, natural disasters, animal rights, etc.) print map

Nehemiah remembered God's promises. *read Jeremiah 29:10-14

*What was God's promise Nehemiah remembered? (Neh. 1:9)

Why is it important to his burden?

What are some promises God has for you?

Nehemiah asked to help, and he asked for favor(discus this word).

*Other people have volunteered to help: Isaiah 6:8, Ruth 1:16

God moves in the heart of the king. The king provides for Nehemiah so he can help with what burdens him.

*Sometimes God moves walls of water, other times he moves in hearts of people by providing favor. Exodus 12:36, Esther 2:17, 5:2.

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